Well, here i am. Over the past few days i've noticed something wiered about my friends. I don't know what it is, maybe its me, but all of them just seem strange, not in like a wacked out colorful halusination way, but just not themselves. They pretty much all leave for paris in 10 days and i can't describe how depressed that makes me. I FUCKING HATE MY PARENTS! i want them to die. at least that way i could get money and the house and car. I wouldn't have to worry about university either.

My birthday is in two months today. I wonder how many people are going to remember this year. Last year only an aquaintance of mine remembered. My best friends forgot.

Maybe i'm just getting depressed, maybe i should see a shrink or something, i dunno.

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Tuesday, Mar. 16, 2004 - 12:49 p.m.

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DDB Canada - Tuesday, Apr. 12, 2011
Epiphany - Thursday, Apr. 07, 2011
Chair and Stool - Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010
To the Grave - Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010
The Boy I Facebook Creep - Tuesday, Aug. 03, 2010