Cameras don't kill people, people kill people
I had a dream last night. I don't remember much, but I do remember that someone had been killed. I don't remember who or why they were dead. I remember what the murder weapon was though, my SLR camera. The body of the camera was used to bludgen someone to death.
There wasn't much blood. It felt like I was on an episode of CSI, I wasn't a suspect for some reason (not that I believe I killed this nameless person, it's just that it was my camera that was used). I remember everyone being incredibly casual about it too.. it was wierd..

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Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 - 12:05 a.m.

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DDB Canada - Tuesday, Apr. 12, 2011
Epiphany - Thursday, Apr. 07, 2011
Chair and Stool - Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010
To the Grave - Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010
The Boy I Facebook Creep - Tuesday, Aug. 03, 2010